
oh, really?

I guess I just have one reader (since previous post and posted comment). So, special blog-reader, thanks. You got most all the changes. Good Job!! You get 9.8 points (I *minused* 0.2 because I can and it's cold outside today).

Oh, yeah. Did I mention that it is cold? Like super-duper cold and I didn't bring mittens nor could I find my hat? That makes a good afternoon project-- finding where I put that hat I bought new (tags still on) at the Tree Streets Garage Sale back in August.

This morning I woke up before the sun rose and headed off to the ETSU Student Health Clinic (for various things). I officially have a referral and an appointment at Buc Sports on Wednesday to "see about/treat" my silly right knee. Also, the dull pain in my left ear is apparently "of concern" as such things "are not normal." But, getting it checked out properly requires a specialist which requires a good deal of money/good insurance neither of which seem to be afflicting me right now. I am to call in November to see about the "doctor" who is coming to the clinic (not really certain what this "doctor" will do beyond looking in my ear or referring me to a specialist which is what the FNP can also do, but we'll see).

Ooo . . . I also got to listen to one of those tuning fork thingies like in this picture. I was kinda fun, but like all things medical, I was afraid of giving the wrong answer (for example: she placed the tuning fork on top of my head and asked if I could hear it in both ears. now, this may seem like a simple question, but I couldn't answer it. I had no idea b/c it sounded like it was playing INSIDE my head, not my ears/in one ear specifically. Then, she moved on and did the "behind each ear" thing you see in the picture. I guess I passed that one, but who knows? She just smiled and nodded.)

And, I did well on my German test. That's it and it's only 10:51 a.m. Whew!

*minused is not in the merriam-webster dictionary, but take it here to mean the past tense verbified version of the word minus (which is listed as adj., n., or prep.)*


At 9:48 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

You know what is super retarded? People who blog advertisements. I wonder, though, why you were apparently tagged as someone whose readers would be interested in "private road construction"... (If she deletes the two ads, just let me explain that they featured a website that boasted you could buy and sell anything, like things related to private road construction. yeah, just that random.)

Anyway, I'm positive there are more readers than make their presence known on the comments page. At least, that is what I'm banking on with my blog... :-)

P.S. In total agreement with the unexpected (if you don't religiously watch weather stuff, like I don't) cold turn of late being worthy of a double mention. It is cold. I wanted some gloves this evening, too, as I scurried, hunched into the wind, to my car from class.

Love ya and ttyl!


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