

So, here at Grand 'Ole ETSU there is the wonderful little class called Colloquium. Basically, it is the opportunity to get credit for preparing for one's future/reflecting upon life. That's my take, at least. Anyways, we have this thirty-day project. Below is a description of it:

"I [Joe Rice] was reading an article in Time magazine a few months back. The piece, titled 'Living a Dare, for 30 Days at a Time,' discusses a television show that apparently has been running this summer. The show’s creator is Morgan Spurlock, who brought you the 2004 film Super Size Me. For that film, Spurlock spent 30 days eating nothing but McDonald’s. He decided it would be cool to do a television show called 30 Days; in each episode, someone 'undergoes a transformation for a month.' One episode has Spurlock and his girlfriend living on minimum wage for a month; another episode has a Christian living with a Muslim family. I like the concept of putting yourself in a situation where you learn something about yourself and about the world. So we’re all going to be doing this at some point in the semester – committing to SOMETHING for 30 days – ideally, something that takes us out of our ordinary comfort zone. And if you are looking for me to offer up a definition of what that 'something' might be, stop looking. You are going to have to define that for yourself. But if you want to run ideas by me, or if you get stuck and want to talk about ideas, no problem, just get in touch with me. The important thing is to make this an experience that transcends academic exercise. Einstein once said, 'Never lose a holy curiosity' – you might use that as a starting point for this project" (Fall 2005 Colloquium Syllabus).

My project? Crazy. Not driving/riding in a car to any destination closer than 10 miles. That is, I'm basically walking and/or biking everywhere. I've made it through 5 1/2 days so far including three rather unpleasant rainy days sans umbrella AND a on-foot trip to the grocery store where I ran in to friend-ette who lovingly delivered my $53.75 of produce and canned goods to my house. I think that may have defeated the purpose (my mind is not yet made up on this matter) of the walking experience, but it sure was nice not to have to cart all those groceries through the rain . . . my bags surely would have gotten water-logged and taken on extra weight as I walked . . . .

German is, er, starting to make sense? I can't tell if the struggle is a) normal (and many of my classmates feel as confused) or b) b/c I missed two (or was it three) days when I was working on that Fulbright stuff??? Worth pondering? Who knows.

Boyfriend David and I were going to hop on over to Jonesborough for the Ghost Stories tonight, but it looks like it might be rained out. Then, we thought, 'hey, let's go to the corn maize, that will be fun.' (we = Allyssa who, after alternating between two pairs of 'soggy' and 'not so soggy/damp' pants for the past three days, is no longer that bothered by wetness). David Dearest seems to think they won't even have the place open. What faith!! Let's hope.

One more week til Fall Break!! Ya-ya!!

other news:
*My brother bought a new house (This is a link to some pics. I hope it works for you b/c the house is damn cool. I have already been invited to visit and, man, I can't wait! The lot is .92 acres!)
*I have been unable to reach my father for 3 days. I think I remember him saying he was going somewhere, but I can't, for the life of me recall where. Just in case something's wrong, think positive parental-unit thoughts. Thanks.
*Found a cool Launch radio-shared station (Sleeps around the clock's radio station)
*Oh yeah, it's still raining. But that's okay, since I am doing research and studying this day.

Great, thanks for reading. =)


At 10:37 p. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

So did you make it to the corn maze? Was it open? And, if so, how did you get there (and where is it)?

I'm really impressed by the biking/walking everywhere thing. Keep it up.

I also think that genius Joe has come up with yet another project that everyone can do...everyone including me. Hmmmmmm, I'll be thinking about it..

Love ya and hope the rain lets up for you :-)

(How did the Fulbright interview go? Did you have it this past week??)


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