
A New Year Begins

We are drawing to a close of *week 2* of the Fall Semester (approx. 1/7th of the way done). All is well though I woke up a mite more tired than I would have liked this morning. The sleep force is strong with me today.

Let's get all the schooly updates out of the way first:

-Fulbright Application due Sept. 26th. I am working on it a little less enthusiastically now that school has started and my time has seemed to disappear.
-Into full swing at Wesley, though after a meal of 1/2 portabella mushroom and some "interesting" salad I will once again be carrying my dinners up there.
-This semester is a test of will-- I am taking a rather strenuous load: Beginning German, Civilizations of Latin America, Civilizations of Spain, Introduction to Linguistics, American Gothic, Comp., Writing, and Lit., and good ole Colloquium.
-I have a 15 min. plus follow-up presentation in Civ. LA on Monday on Las Malvinas. wish me luck and good grammar.

Moving on:
-Going for a 5k "race" on Saturday with two other girls (we couldn't afford the real race held in Kingsport, so we mapped out our own!)
-Wesley big BBQ Auction is Saturday. I will be setting BBQ in front of generous/rich people all morning. fun, fun, fun . . . .
-Found an adult soccer league that is going to let me jump in on their games on Sunday afternoons. We'll see how that goes, but I am excited
-My tire exploded sometime yesterday between the hours of 9:20 a.m. and 7 p.m. (when I was in classes). Anyone who knows the cause be it man or nature and can recount the incident will be rewarded in waves of gratitude.
-Jewel bought a t.v. during the tree streets yardsale. So we can watch movies, which we intend to do at some point when we have time.

News from vacation:
-I had a great time in Michigan/Chicago with the Farmer Family. We put together 2 puzzles and I've decided that I rather like putting together puzzles with my sister who brings out the puzzle skills in me. We had lots of sisterly fun-- I won't ramble but it was just what I needed and wanted. Big news for her: She starts her 60 mi. 3-day in a few short weeks. Ahhh!!!
-I bought incrediblely awesome pants and Banana Republic. Perhaps invested in is more appropriate, but God, are they SWEET!!
-Got some fun new make-up . . . glittery-ish. And new mascara. It's shocking how different new mascara feels (I think mine was several years old which may explain that itching . . . =)

I suppose I should drink my *V8 juice tomato juice* (yes, I suppose I am a grown up now that I can enjoy such things I previously found revolting) and run along to Linguistics . . . if you are reading this *comment* on what's new with you.
