

so i figure it's about time to do some 'splaining. you see there was dead week which really turned out to be this horrendously alive, throbbing monster with four (or was it five?) huge papers plus three required "social events" (honors pinning ceremony and two dinners with professors)... not that i am complaining about the free food.... AND then exam week rolled around. we need not talk about the 11 p.m. naps just to get me through another few hours at the computer working on take home exams like the 11 1/2 page, typed (1.5 spaced, times new roman 12) spanish exam that was almost entirely IN SPANISH (except for one out of the "six" questions. i put it in quotes because i am using six quite loosely since each question had 3-4 sub questions and then some of those sub-questions had a few sub-questions of their own...). but, like i said we're not going to dwell on such things.

then, of course, etsu got into this thing called facebook. which is this really cool something, let's call it a database of sorts. it allows you to connect and find people in your school, in other universities, friends from high school, middle school, whatever. you can create groups, edit your homepage, send messages, etc., etc. yes, i got suckered away from this dear place to an even sleazier use of my time. blame jewel, my roomie. she showed it to me and now neither one of us can stop talking about it. okay, that was an exaggeration. we don't really talk about it at all. the niftiness has kinda rubbed off.

and, there was florida for a week. saw my dear old dad. spent some time at the beach. saw some dolphins i could have thrown a pebble at (if i had been so inclined... i wasn't) they were so close. let's say 30 feet. yes, a childhood dream was realized. meet up with some cool west-palm-beachers for a "hike"/stroll around some grass and mud. had a run in with a black racer and an armadillo?? not really sure what that rustling sound was-- definitely 4-legged walking animal--soooo, let's call it an armadillo. had dinner, etc. lots of fun. good times. back to dad's for a river boat tour at homosassa springs. secured my very own "rugular tour" bracelet to seal the deal (i kid you not, that's what the man wrote on my bracelet). again, good times.

back to j.c. to my new apartment and my new/old stinky bed. do i have to say that i had a horrible time sleeping there? well, i did. sometimes, i still do. oh yeah, all the while boyfriend david (not to imply that i have more than one, or anything) was in austin texas on a hellacool trip. he had lots of barbecue and fun, but it was the first big apart time since sweden (2 whole weeks!). i still had my job when i returned and got back to work--which is going well, though i am tiring of a few people i have to work with. really just one. but, he's soon quiting so this is just a matter of endurance.

so, those are all the reasons this post has been held up. well, not ALL. i am sure i could have come up with a few more, but i'll spare you any further excuses.

news as of this weekend:

1. carrie graduated p.t. school which is exciting
2. brother derek and sister carrie are looking for a home to buy
3. b.f. david plays a show on friday. i am supposed to photograph....
4. found a coffee table
5. went garage sale-ing friday AND saturday. for the first time in FOR-EV-ER. didn't find much, but that's okay. it felt good just to be out there again.
6. dad visits today to bring the rest of my stuff!! yay!!

in fact, i gotta go meet him.




At 1:11 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Heck yes. An update. Glad to see that you've been using your time wisely. :-)
One thing I'm wondering about (and I remember mention of you and David sacrificing the vegetarian thing for some BBQ with his family at that world renowned but in the middle of nowhere BBQ joint) is the part about David eating MORE BBQ in Austin? Does this spell the end of the defined, "vegetarian" label for him and/or you?
(Not that that is a bad thing...I'm all in favor of eating whatever the heck you want...I was just nosily wondering)

At 6:29 a. m., Blogger lissablythe said...

interesting question... a question for which i have no good answer. david just really likes barbeque. AND, i think after some eight years without it he has finally broken. oh yeah, and they apparently just have awesome bbq in austin. so, i guess that means he is vegetarian unless you give him good bbq. that and there is this interesting course at UTK on barbequeing this summer.... =)


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