
Det Snoar!!

* * * last night a little after 11, it started snowing * * *
* * and it snowed * *
* * * * *
* * and snowed (really big snows...
like gauzy snow that gets stuck on you eyelashes and
makes everything white and blurrrryyy...) * *

beautiful, beautiful snow!! i love it!!

i was so excited that i couldn't even sleep... the spanish people in the corridor opposite of us were running around outside and screaming (less than five minutes after the flakes started to fall). and that was fun....

the best thing about snow is that it means that you can go outside and play and run and scream and the only people who give you weird looks are the ones who secretly wish they could be so carefree.

the snow brings up memories of funny hats, teal ski suits, and fun with friends....

* * * sending wintery-christmas-filled thoughts * * *

p.s. it is still snowing (they shut down the trains for a while, so looks like i'm here at school for a while =)