

did you know that if you drink lots* of coffee, your teeth turn yellow, fall out, and leave a coffee smell; your stomach turns yellow with ulcers, falls out, and leaves a coffee smell; and, your pee turns yellow, falls out and leaves a distinctly coffee smell?

well, now you do... i can attest to the last one at least... the first two are mere speculation.

fun stuff, huh?


At 1:31 a. m., Blogger lissablythe said...

*lots = 2 cups in four hours with several bottles of water to dilute it.

At 9:25 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

hey, how's it going? the haircut sounds tantalizing. i should really cut mine, now that it's dragging the floor. god.

so, anyway, i'm excited for you that you have developed such super swedish skills that you can speak to people and get haircuts.

the coffee thing is cool and fun, too, although i wonder if when you say "falls out" when referring to your urine, if you mean "comes out when i want it to" or "comes out when i don't necessarily want it to...aka 'falls out.'"

something to think about.

we missed you the other day in JC. it was fun, but it wasn't allyssa-riffic. dang. well, soon soon it will be time for you to be back and then we'll have allyssa-riffic times much more often than now...which is never. argh.

so, i guess i'll stop taking over your blog by commenting for like 10 minutes. keep up the good posts.

hard to believe it's been 3 months and 1 day, isn't it?


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