

i realized when i was going to the bathroom this morning (i think the bathroom must be my site of realization and inspiration seeing as more and more of my stories start like "one time, when i was in the bathroom..." kinda like that girl from American Pie [which i saw part I and II since i last blogged!!]), that I haven't written on this thing since (gasp) OCTOBER 16th!!

Can you believe that?

i know, i know... i have just been so busy....

let's try to recall what i have done in the last month:

*started and finished (well, more like in the process of finishing) my struggles II class
*started (today, in fact) my "sweden: history and politics" class (did i mention that someone... cough...err... teacher... tried to convince me that this would be an easy class... perhaps i see "easy" differently... my definition of "easy" does NOT usually include reading 1000+ pages in three weeks, but that's just me.... BUT, the class and work promises to make me a bit more knowledgeable about current political issues in this tiny little country of sweden =)
*started and finished my co-written conference paper on charlie kaufman films and borges literature (joe and i are looking to get published now....)
*practiced and performed in a swedish choir
*handed out flyers and tried to promote a kid's hour at church (the parents were to be lured in with coffee =) so far, we are at week 3 with no success, though prospects look promising....
*attended my first film at a swedish cinema (de-lovey with kline and judd... can't say that i recommend it exactly but it was an experience....)
*re-arranged my room
*made a startling observation (which still makes me shake my head in delight when i enter... the BATHROOM!!)... here it is: many swedish toilets (the newer ones at least) have 2 different flushes... one for "big" flushes (indicated by a big water drop) and one for "little" flushes (indicated by a drop approx. half the size as the large one). genius i tell you!! pure genious!! (the funny part is that i realized this about 3 weeks ago!! i would like to blame that on the fact that my toilet at home only has one flush button... or that i pee in the dark... or that the pictures are rubbed away... but, i can claim only a few of these. really, i think that i had just never EXAMINED the toilet until that one day... that sounds like it could be a title of a coming of age movie.... this parenthetical thing-y is getting ridiculously long, so i will let you ponder on that as i end it....)
*ate a whole-lotta carrots (hmm... let me think... probably something around 15 kg... multiply that by 2.2 and that counts in at approx. 33 ibs!!) Don't worry... i haven't turned orange yet... i just really like carrots. i think i was a rabbit in my last life =)
*did loads of other things that i either don't recall at this moment or don't feel compelled to share on this list =)

so, that kinda catches us up!!

see you in a month!!

(hehe...jk... i will try to be a bit more regular from here on out....)

later gator
