
today i learned...

*that, just as all babies are not cute, so is it true that all donkeys are not adorable (see the link below and see for yourself).

*that other people have an even greater love of donkeys than I do (they are able to love even the ugly donkey seen above)

*that this love runs so deep that it overflows into cheesy poetry

*that on september 28th, 1994 a ship returning to stockholm from tallin, estonia sank and killed around 900 people (for other, fun facts see the links below).

(the above links are brought to you by david... sigh... isn't he the best?)


At 8:26 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

David is pretty lovely, but...alas...he's not the best. sorry.

At 9:02 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

At 9:14 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

you might be right except for the teensy oversight that, in this little blog kingdom, my thoughts reign supreme. thus, it is only possible that you are, in fact wrong, and i am, in fact right. no need to be sorry, though.


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