

everything was going just dandy until i logged into kurswebbar this morning.

you are probably asking yourself what, exactly, could be so horrible about this little place where teachers post information for one's classes?

well, i'll tell you.

you see, södertörns, in its infinite wisdom is trying a new approach to teaching--one that generally works out well, but one that affords an incredible amount of freedom to teachers. starting to sound a little scary to you? me too....

so, i logged in this morning to see if there were any updates on the schedule of my classes for later in the semester. there was!! whoo-hoo!

yeah, i was rejoicing for less than a second. it turns out that my sweden: society and culture teacher has decided to run his class in conflict with my other swedish history of ideas class! great!

so, as i sit here in the computer lab, shaking, upset and near panic, i try to tell myself that everything will be okay. i can take another class. it will work out.

i keep on telling my brain to believe this, but it is not currently working too well.

oh, well. i might as well focus on what i can do for the moment... chat with david online (briefly) before i run off to my first class of the semester.


At 9:27 p. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Hmmm...the Swedish system sounds pretty interesting. Any idea how their primary and secondary education is different from ours?
Anyhow, it's all interesting, really. keep posting for those of us locked into our own little countries/states/towns. :-)


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