
to the observant reader

to the obeservant reader,

you will notice that i changed the title of my blog. why? you ask.


just because i like it here and think i will stay (on this blogging site i mean... i know you were worried that i meant Sweden, but no fear! i will return to johnson city in all it's beauty and glory sooner than you know!! ha-ha because that's the power i have... i can travel at the speed of sound and appear in the middle of the night... when you least expect it... just when your guard is down and you're sure i've been lost to the sverige way of life... that's when i will pop-up beside your bed and say, "duh-duh-duh-duh (like a trumpet sounding) ka-ate...ka-ate...come play with us!").


At 10:59 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Hey, no more of that. You know what. Oh, you know.


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