
weekend (in breif)

okay, so last week wasn't the greatest, but it started to pick up towards the end. i got some really awesome e-mails from my assorted lovers... ummm... i mean friends and family AND i even got to chat with kate on instant messenger. i have decided that IM is even BETTER than sliced bread. mmm... have i mentioned how good swedish bröd (bröd = bread, just in case you didn't know) is?

after two unsuccessful attempts in the computer lab to focus and begin writing this paper titled, "borges, kaufman and us: the complication of self in five screenplays," i decided to let it be. and, that was a great relief. joe says that it will come together. i am trying to have faith, but really have absolutely no idea what "enlightenment" i am supposed to impart upon my readers. i think an important part of discovering the answer to this dilemma is to, in fact, be enlightened myself. as this has not happened, i guess i can hunker in the dark for a few more days.

so, that catches us up to mid-friday. for those of you who didn't know, friday was david and my six-month-i-versary, so that was both exciting and a little sad (as this little pond, i think most people call it the atlantic ocean, separates us). i wrote a long, rather involved e-mail to him, though, and it made me feel all nice and warm and... well... you can fill in the rest.

anyways, i left the computer lab and went to the bergshamra festival (the little town where i live). there were a whole bunch of little kids living it up in front of the stage, but that was about it. went home and got awesome advice from a kindred-second-hand-shopper-and-knitter and to top if off, fellow spanish-speaker (a.k.a theres, one of my corridor mates) as to the best places to frequent in stockholm. i got a great night's sleep and headed out bright and early (around nine) on saturday morning... saw beautiful buildings... and this great old-lady-hat (though used hats make me feel a little creepy... i almost bought it, but decided it was too expensive and too small... in retrospect, i am not at all sorry)... and the beautiful blue sky!! (though i didn't bring my camera because it would be just another thing to carry around al day). I ate at this vegetarinsk resturantåg, govinda's. it was the best food i had had in two weeks, so it was difficult to stop eating even when my stomach began to complain. afterwards, i found a park (not a difficult thing to do in stockholm, just stand at an intersection and scan 360 degrees and you are bound to see one somewhere) and laid in the grass and read (until my stomach stopped hurting).

i went to huddinge (one stop farther than södertörns högskola) for a punk concert... met theres there and we made buttons. mine is rather abstract... and that is all i will say about that. if you want to know how abstract, maybe you should just come and visit, maybe i will feel generous and give it to you. or, take you to a festival to make your very own button!! how's that for incentive?

sunday... ahh... glorious sunday. it was a beautiful day! i went to kyrka (pronounced something similar to "sheer-ka") and then to a picnic out in billinge (northeast of stockholm). had a traditional swedish summer-lunch with potatisalad and bröd with lätta (which is a type/brand of butter, not entirely sure) and cheddar cheese (yes, butter and cheese... it is sooooo good). afterwards, we went on this "traditional" swedish activity. you receive this piece of paper and then you navigate your way through the woods (this is not very difficult because there are markings, you are in a group, etc.) and find these signs. each sign has a question and three answers (that are listed as the following 1- X- 2- instead of 1- 2- 3- ). the person/team with the most correct answers wins. in this case, it was an ice-cream and my partner and i found ourselves gobbling down ice cream shortly after.

a cultural note: we had coffee twice (and coffee is always accompanied by a cookie/cake) within a three hour period!

i met really nice people, especially rune andhis wife anna-marie who have invited me to their house and to future sight-seeing trips! i was quite enthused by this.

returned home in the early evening... received a call from horribly-hot florida (my ear nearly burned off just talking) and that was fantastic. then, i went for a perfectly wondrous hour and twenty minute run in the woods. the weather is absolutely the best running weather i have ever experienced. i watched the sun set through the trees and even found some hidden soccer fields and a swimming pool!

my hall mates and i watched the usual suspect with kevin spacey and others in the evening (yes, they play really great movies for free on television every day of the week on every channel!).

the best treat was yet to come... i got a phone call from my sweetie and it was... ahh... marvelous. i went to bed and woke up and ate breakfast and came to school and bought some texts and went to the library and the book i need is in use for the day and then i came here and wrote all this down! whew!

oh yeah, and somewhere, in the midst of all that hullabaloo last night, i hand-washed my underwear in the bathroom sink (but i am sure you didn't really want to know that).

yay!! the end....


At 6:10 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

You should post some cool pictures!!!


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