

so, i have spent most of the day in the computer lab trying to avoid the inevitable--i have this looming paper due tomorrow. yes, folks, tomorrow. not that this would be a big deal normally, but today is not normal.

today is one of those days that you just want to crawl back into bed and wake-up when the nice, warm weather decides to come back. i think i am in for a long winter! (i know that most of you are thinking, well, duh! allyssa! but, hey, it has been so nice here, and they says that the winters here really aren't that bad, really. and, for the most part, i have been believing them. in the defense of these phantom people who start myths like this--i guess it is only autumn. so, technically, this could be some weird cold/rainy weather brought in by those funny drafts off the sea, soon to be replaced by some less bone-chilling, quite manageable snowy drifts. yeah, that sounds about right.)

on this nap-ish sort of day, i suppressed my cat-ish desires and actually was rather productive. i ran my usual route; swept and mopped the entire kitchen and corridor; cleaned the kitchen counters, stove, sink, and microwave; and, traveled to school to hide away in the computer lab. obviously, i am still here at the computer. this is going on hour... oh, let's just have a little look at the clock... ahhh!!! hour ten!!! my god!!! i have spent a whole new day squinting in front of this blasted thing, and what do i have to show for it?

right... i have a rather rough, rough-draft to a fairly uninteresting paper in response to a fairly uniteresting paper topic addressed to a fairly uniteresting set of readings; a better idea of travel plans for the semester incluiding a visit from a) my sister and niece and b) my lovely man (or should it be handsome?? yeah, let's go with handsome, though he is quite lovely as well =) ; and, a whole collection of new e-mails to read and respond to (though i have to admit i did spend quite a few "breaks" reading some of them as they arrived!!).

well, that was pretty much my day.

oh yeah, and i got an A on my paper about Habermas and the Public Sphere... not to brag or anything, but that felt purdy good.

the best part (okay, one of the best parts) of the whole day was when i checked kurswebbar online (this link that gives updates for my classes) and it suddenly hit me that i only have two more classes in "struggle for our minds, part one" (of course, part two comes in a few weeks, but let's focus on the celebratory news first)!!! that means a few days off from all this history fluff, oh, i meant stuff. yeah, that's right....

right, well, seeing as my paper is now "under kontroll" i think that i should make me way home and go to bed so i can wake up and do it all over again tomorrow (minus all the cleaning, that was a twice-a-semester deal)!
