
here are some random allyssa facts:

*i was recently told that i needed glasses. since i am a questioning-oriented individual, i queried what my prescription happened to be. the one of superior ocular knowledge replied +0.75; i conveniently stored this information in my brain without making a snide remark. opting to NOT purchase the $200 plus special lenses + frames, i instead found these whimpy reading glasses online for $23.75 (shipping including). victory for my wallet and my eyes. yay.

*i am still enjoying my new, snazzier than anything, pair of pants. thanks for asking.

*fulbright application chugging along. the deadline will soon be here and i will be able to forget about it (at least until that crazy 50% spanish/50% english interview session). click here to read up on Chile.

*i recently received a salt and pepper mill direct from France for my 21st b-day. yay peugeot.

*in case you can't tell, i just learned how to do these nifty hyperlinks in my computer, writings, and literature class. yay hyperlinks!

that's all folks!