
Heck, here are some more...

THIS is Shade a.k.a. Loafie (okay, that's a lie, no one calls her "Loafie" except me and that's only in my head. However, she is about the size of a loaf of bread when she curls up and tucks her feet under in the silly way that cats do). Don't worry, no one is moving . . . all those boxes are David's keepsakes rescued from his parent's home (a tree fell on the house and 1/2 of it was smashed. needless to say, they bought a new house and we helped them move in last weekend)

THIS is Mister Jelly Beans a.k.a. Magical Mister Mistoffelees (again, jk). Notice that this picture shows his head. It's big, no? Notice also that he's white. He's albino (with one blue n one green eye). He's not deaf so don't feel sorry for him. He's just big-boned AND fat.

p.s. I have no pictures of the ferret/rat because he's always sleeping and he scares me. plus, this camera saves the pictures onto a disk. We'll pretend the disk was full so his feelings don't get hurt.


At 9:20 p. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Cat pictures are SO blog-enhancing. Gotta love them.

And...the final update on the Fulbright interview, please?

And a note on your Kroger comments a few posts back. I am so jealous that you even HAVE a Kroger within 50 miles...and I, for one of your "old ETSU friends," definitely miss the Kroger jaunts (especially on foot) and wish I could join in the new fun-ness of the international food section. Our local grocery's idea of an international food section is about 3 cans of Spanish-labeled beans/vegetables and a package of tortillas. Oh, and soy sauce. Super.

Love ya and love the blogging...


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