
What the *&#@?

Imail (ETSU's student e-mail) was down all weekend. Normally, wouldn't have been a big deal except that I really needed to access it. But, I was willing to overlook this fact until I logged in this morning and found the whole site completely reconfigured. Gone is the black screen and grey tabs. Now it is white with bright blue and yellows tabs everywhere!! They scream out and stab my eyes and I hate them.

So, I thought I would share some reconfigurations of my own with you (10 points for anyone who can figure out what I changed on the blog-- for full credit you must list the total number of changes of a description of each).

Thanks. Enjoy as you see fit.


At 8:24 p. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Yes, new template. That's the big one -- the bright, green, naturally-earthy-ish background has arrived. Other changes that I [think I] noticed:
•New subtitle -- at one point it was in Swedish, I think it may have been different after that, but the Chilean reference is definitely new.
•Addition of Links Reference next to the comment function -- Let me know how that works out for you -- I was considering it but haven't done it yet.
• I think you may have changed the format of your archives -- were they just by month, like October 2005, before?
• I also think you may have changed your donkey picture. It looks different now, somehow, although if you haven't gotten a new one, it could just be the contrast with the new background that looks different with it....?
• Profile adjustments: New Kant quote; New movie list; New book list; New music list; Newly added Question answered.

I'm sure there are more, but... you know. I liked the blog before, and I like it now, too. Good choices.

Love ya and ttyl!


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