
My new hair cut. Don´t worry, that´s a smile you see tucked in at the corners. I pushed the button prematurely and "pop!"

Look at that shoulder muscle. Grr!! I´ve been doing my push-ups, can you tell? We´re going to San Sebastian and Bilbao this weekend with the newcomers (they arrive tomorrow). If you are up to it, try reading the pages in Euskera. Oh, and good luck! =) So, that´s exciting. I went to a really cool library today and found some interesting books about the art of translation. Then, when I tried to check them out (which is my God-given right as an exchange student), I found out that my name isn´t in the system. Will have to go over to Cursos Internacionales tomorrow and get that squared away because I only have 4 weeks to read all those books!!

Note about the picture: In case you can´t tell, I lost my donkey charm. No, not the love of the species, but the little charm on my chain. Lost isn´t really the appropriate word, though. I know exactly where it is. It got caught in a crack in the floorboards at the Cursos Internacionales outside patio (yes, I was lying on the floor in the middle of the afternoon trying to cool off). It is there forever and Emily and I are the only living souls who know exactly where he´s imprisoned forever. Tears. I am still wearing the chain in tribute to him. When the shock and sadness wears off, I´ll remove the chain or find another charm.

Funny story: According to my "abuela" here, America has really good quality towels. Everyone knows that American towels are great and that Spanish ones are, well, crap. And, we´re lucky to have good towels. Luck-ee! =) I kid you not. We actually had a conversation about American towels. That was pretty much the gist of the entire 10 minutes. I just smiled and nodded in agreement. Of course American towels are good. Yes, I agree. The one that I use at "home" is American and I enjoy it daily, sometimes twice a day when I´m feeling really fiesty. The key, folks, is perspective. That´s the lesson of the day. Second lesson of the day: cotton is my friend because it breathes. Or so they say. I honestly can´t tell a difference because I get hot no matter what material I wear. Even my own skin.

Well, it´s closing time here at API, so I´ll stop rambling and say goodbye. Hope you´ve enjoyed the pictures, late coming as they are.