
Veni, vidi, vici

I think that's how it goes. I came upon my birthday, I stared it down and I conquered it.**

It was an emotional, but pretty nice birthday weekend. On Friday evening I pretty much did everything BUT school work. I cleaned the bathroom, my bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, etc. I made two loaves of bread (the first was sun dried tomato and the second was chocolate chip!), a pot of soup and dinner for myself. I think I also went grocery shopping at some point. On Saturday, David and I watched Brokeback Mountain through half-napping eyes. Between the post-Indian food sleepiness and the mumblin' men, I had to rewind the DVD like twenty times. Then, I got all dolled up to have a birthday dinner party at Savita's. Among the four of us, we managed to drink two bottles of wine. Now, I know that doesn't sound too excessive, especially with a meal, but both Savita and I are light weights so two glasses of wine was enough to have us rolling on the floor (no joke) laughing. Of course, before the floor-rolling began I changed out of my nice skirt into a pair of pj bottoms. Wouldn't want to flash anyone....
Some serious conversations picked up as the alcohol (and the other two guests) left us. All in all it was a fantastic night.

Sunday morning Daivd's parents came down for breakfast. We ate and again I found myself about to pass out from exhaustion. I guess that's the thing with not being able to sleep much at night. nonsense. The rest of the afternoon was pretty lazy. I can't really recall what we did except that we took a walk. I had to work an extra shift as a study hall proctor which was an adventure in itself b/c I didn't have the keys to get into the building, but those 3 short hours of fun were followed by a nice dinner at Ruby Tuesday's. ooohhh man I love those Strawberry Tall Cakes. David and I scarfed one of those down on top of a fairly substantial meal and ended up surprising ourselves and our favorite lawyer-to-be waiter, Max. We closed the place down (I feel horrible when that happens), but I left a hearty tip so that Max will still love us and continue to NOT spit in our food when we return =)

Still no luck on selling the car which is like a huge weight on my back. I think I'm going to list the thing on Ebay since all those interested have not called back. I cannot WAIT until graduation. I am finishing up a paper and a take-home final and that should about do it (barring any unforeseen assignments in my dreaded Hispanic Readings & Comp. class). Cool, huh?

**Grammatical note: As far as I know, it is still grammatically acceptable to leave out the comma before the "and" in English. If not, please correct. If so, here's my explanation for this "sudden" change: in Spanish it is grammatically incorrect to include the comma before the last item in a series (if it has a conjunction). Thus, in an attempt to make both of my languages love eachother, I am compromising =) No, not really. But, I am trying to clarify the grammatical rules for both because my grammar in both languages has fallen by the wayside.