
Selling off my stuff

The purge has begun. I am trying to get rid of pretty much everything that I own (minus five "large" items: La-Z-Boy, sewing machine, bread machine, books, and kitchen pots). Caitlin and I are planning on a yard sale next weekend. Oh, and if you know anyone who wants a car really cheap... =)

It was sooooo hot today. Goodness I missed the sunshine!! Now I'm at work inside an air-conditioned building freezing my brains out.

I am looking forward to Easter, though I have not participated in any Easter-ish sort of festivities yet. I bought 18 eggs yesterday, though. So, I guess I am well stocked for the hard boiled eggs with the plastic shrink wrapping. Ummm, nevermind. I don't have the plastic thingies. Maybe I'll just draw scenes on them in pencil. Which reminds me, does anyone else's father draw big X's on hardboiled eggs before strategically placing them back in the egg carton so that the X's are not readily visible?

I think David and I are going to cook some kind of Mexican smorgasboard for Easter Sunday. I'm a little disappointed that it won't be Mediterranean, but his parents are coming and they don't really enjoy hummus and the like. So, we decided on Mexican. I think we'll do Mexican cornbread, 5-layer bean dip, some salsas, chips, and fajitas. We're are going to try a flan for dessert, but I am not so confident in my custard-making abilities.

And, all the time this weekend that I am not sleeping or preparing for the fiesta, I will be writing--yes, lots of projects, papers, etc. due next week. But, after that.... freedom will be so close! =)

ahhh.... two and a half weeks. Can you believe that? Man oh man. Graduation will be sweet-- lots of friends, lots of family, and lots of food. Don't think it could get any better....

Spoke to my M.I.A. "European gal pal" last night til, umm midnight (read: 6 am her time). We really need to start putting dampers on these conversations. But, they are so few that they almost have to go on FOREVER. Things are starting to fall in place for the summer. =) It looks like I will do the Dublin thing for a day and a half and then fly to Amsterdam and spend approx. four days in the area before taking the train (how majestic) to Cologne, Germany. We'll meet up with Max and take some tours, hopefully even getting down into the Black Forest. Jewel has her heart set on seeing Brynn, and she conveniently lives at the northern tip of the B.F., so this is all falling together. Then, the 19th, I will be in Madrid and my Spanish immersion will begin! Bye-bye English. I've promised myself that I will NOT speak, write, or listen to anything that is in English once it has begun. Which means that all of you will get a nice little Spanish lesson too! haha. I've already started to compile a list of Spanish songs to attempt to download and burn onto MP3 cds (yes, I still don't have an MP3 player b/c well, I don't have a computer so it seems a bit silly). David and I are making a trade--I gave him my super cool Crate and Barrel plates, bowls, and glasses and he is giving me his portable MP3/Cd player. I'm excited b/c I'll pretty much be able to get all of my Spanish music onto, oh, 4 or 5 cds which means more space for souvenirs in my pack!!

Well, adios for now, mis amigos. Necesito trabajar y escribir mi composicion! =)


At 7:33 p. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

I hope those free online translator programs work, because I'll definitely be running my emails and stuff through them for you... :-D

Can you recommend a particular one?


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