
Yet Another Provocative Exercise from Joe Rice

Handout I received this morning. Taken from How to Find the Work You Love

Respond to the following:
1. Of all the people you know, who is most consistently supportive of your goals and dreams? Who consistently holds high expectations of you and encourages you not to settle for less than your best?
2. Is there anyone in your life who tends to be openly hostile or negative toward your dreams? If so, who? Do you have an "soft enemies"- people who appear supportive, but then to encourage limited views of yourself? Who are they? How can you better protect yourself from these negative influences?
3. List the names of the people you would like to get to know better, people who could serve as role models or supportive friends.
4. Whose accomplishments do you most envy? List the names of at least three people. (If you really feel as though you have no jealousy, then you can frame these questions in terms of the people whose accomplishments you most admire.)
5. For each person, list at least three specific accomplishments that you most envy.
6. Now review your answers and write down the top five accomplishments you are most jealous of.
7. Finally, ask yourself how you can begin creating your own life so that you can accomplish similar things.

Completely not related to the above: I am exhausted. This week has been soooo long. I turned in my thesis to my readers this morning. I have a conference at Tusculum tomorrow morning. I've got to frame one of the thesis chapters to make it work. Hopefully, that won't take much more than a few hours, because I don't think I have the steam in me.

David and I are going to Barnes and Noble on Saturday to browse the vegetarian cookbooks. We have decided to invest in one and to begin to build up a solid pantry. It will be spectacular, spectacular. No words in the vernacular can describe. . . .

Sunday is SPANISH PORTFOLIO TIME!! Yes, that's right. I've put it off for months and now I have to do it because I must turn it in in order to graduate. Seems like that would be motivation enough, but it hasn't because it is complete b.s. busywork and I have not been looking forward to it. Oh well.

Well, I better start moving towards the writing stage. =)