
Spain? okay!!

Yeah, so I think that I'm going to Spain this summer. To study in Salamanca with API. Of course, I still have to apply and be accepted, but small beans, right? I will be working with a Ms. Ilene Tillman to design my course of study which (hopefully) will be a variation on the intensive summer package they offer. Cross your fingers for some graduate course, k?

So, that means that a certain Amsterdam friend and I should meet up before the program starts, don't you think, friend? When are you out of school again? Check out the webpage. I think I'll do the two sessions combined (10 weeks with 2 week break in between). If I got the dates straight, that would mean a break from 1 July to 29 July, all negotiable, of course =).

I'm so excited . . . now to figuring out the money. booo.