

So, last night I hosted a small get-together at the apartment. We all made our individual pizzas with whole wheat crust (recipe courtesy of Kate).

Speaking of whole wheat, Kroger is now carrying whole wheat white flour for a mere $2.79/5lbs. which is much cheaper than the Natural Market's whopping price of $4.99/5lbs.!!

Then, we played "Would You Rather," a board game I received from lover-lips for Christmas =). Lindy brought some white wine which all agreed tasted like rubbing alcohol . . . she did have a super sweet bottle opener, though.

Matt and Caitlin brought the biggest salad I have ever seen. It was in a spaghetti pot (you know, like the industrial-size pots for making pasta for the entire block). Yeah, oh, and there were only 6 of us, which meant one thing: I ate a whole-lotta super-sweet salad. The ingredients were something like:
lettuce (duh), garbanzo beans, pear, apple, tomatoe, steamed (cold) broccoli, fresh mushrooms, boiled eggs, and goat cheese (or really good feta??).
Matt made his "family recipe" dressing which is vinegar, water, adobo spice, splenda (and something else?? not sure). Anyways, it was fantastic. Of course, there are some leftovers that have lunch written all over them.

Roommate decided to disappear for the occasion which was, well, nice. Harsh, but true.

Today is probably the most beautiful day that we've had that my short term memory recalls. Perfect temperature, nice breeze, and not too stab-your-eyes-sunny. Of course, I'm inside for the morning and afternoon working on silly homework that teachers gave over Spring Break. I just have to reiterate how ridiculous that is. Really.

My aunt Pat sent me an e-mail saying that she is going to be a GRANDMA!! Well, she's excited, but I think it's a little weird to think about my aunt's being old enough to be Grandmas. Anywho, it's a girl and she's due around end of July.

Speaking of babies, Derek and Carrie informed me that they have been trying/are trying for a baby (well, not at this minute, at least I assume not since it is the middle of the day and they should be at work, not in BED!!) We were talking about names on Sunday and then Derek suddenly decided he was uncomfortable with me making comments about making babies. Like I don't know how it happens or something. Silly older brothers! Despite what he says, I think it is wonderful that I will be an aunt (four times over, unless twins, then five) sometime in the next year, fingers crossed, AND I will not cease to tease b/c this is a wonderful opportunity to get back at Derek for years of torture. Just kidding. It's just really fun, that's all. It makes him squirm and that's even better. Maybe, secretly, I am getting back at him . . . buwahahaha! Enough rambling about this, I think an example is in order:

Derek: Yeah, well, I should probably go. We were gonna watch a movie
Allyssa: And then go make babies in BE-ED!?!!? hahahaha.

yeah, I know, it's great, isn't it?

Well, the thesis is throwing a tantrum . . . he needs some attention. Yes, it has become an entity and it is a male. He's my lover and we spend every day together. Alone. Go ahead, be jealous David!! buwahahaha.

God, I love that maniacal laugh . . . .