
Snow and other news

It started snowing Saturday night/Sunday morning (yes, I was awake until 3 am). David and I went to see CattleAxe at this new club in Greeneville called Starburst. The band was great, the club left much to be desired (at least according to the drunk lady who tried to engage me in a philosophical conversation about the lack of quality clubs in the area). In fact, I really enjoyed the show--the bass player was a hoot! (Aren't they all? yumm...)*

Still plugging away at the 'ol thesis. My first official draft is due the 15th of February, so there's the thing.

In Descriptive Linguistics class, we practiced transcribing the following clip. It's a hoot, so visit it and see for yourself!

Off to read Linguistica aplicada: Adquiscion del espanol como segunda lengua (yippee... not really)

*the yum refers to my bass player, of course