

Whew! It's been mighty windy these past few days. I nearly got blown off my feet yesterday!

The semester has officially begun (a week ago). I can't believe it is my last, at least for a while. I was looking at the plan for my thesis and realized that something is due pretty much every month from now until graduation. Breaking it up in little pieces like that makes it seem so short. The short term goal: first draft by 15 February. I am hiding away this weekend to get a really good start.

Other finale things going on: my Spanish portfolio needs to be done like NOW! I am planning to go through all of my documents tomorrow evening after a long bath. Ahh. That's nice just thinking about it.

Jewel left Johnson City this past Friday. It was hard to see her go, but I am excited about all the stories I'll get to hear on her blog. Living with a new roommate is not really that fun. Not horrible, but incredibly weird. It is like walking on egg shells in my own apartment and everyone knows that you are supposed to be able to walk around naked at home (not to be taken entirely literally, but the key idea here is comfort-- which I don't really feel anymore). I am bit worried about our electricity bill b/c every time I walk in the heat is cranked up well beyond what is necessary or economical.

David has a show this weekend in Greeneville at the Starburst (from which they were banned only a few short weeks ago). We celebrated his 30th birthday this past Monday (the 23rd). It was fun but laid back... David has not been feeling well lately.... and, you'll laugh at the reason: he had to get another MMR shot in order to enroll in his computer class at Northeast. Well, I think it is amusing at least (this is the shot most children get while they are still actually children).

My new job is going well (though it is a bit early to know anything, I guess). I actually got in a few hours of studying last night-- something that appears to be hard to come by despite the fact that my official title is "study hall proctor."

Speaking of work, I've got to.

Warm thoughts to all.