
nothing new

really. but, i am still alive and chugging away at the last week of school. i have it in my head to finish raking the leaves this afternoon (of course actually completing this will depend on 1) level of energy and 2) the aid of roomie and 3) how cold it gets).

like i said nothing GRANDE going on.

p.s. note to kate: i went to an awful christmas opera. it had a little kid that couldn't sing (all the others were okay). but, the plot was lame-o and the music not much better not to mention the fact that it was only 45 mins. long (but perhaps i should be grateful for not having to sit through it any longer). the few saving graces: the set was interesting (yes, there actually was a set this time), there was a little ballet dance-thing with decent dancers, and there was a live orchestra. was thinking about our opera-goings and you the whole time! =)


At 11:53 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Gosh, I really wish I hadn't missed THAT opera. Ha ha ha. What is the deal with operas that just don't hit the mark? If it's not a stupid script/lame plot, it's untalented performers, or, apparently, a severely edited version. We'll definitely have to get to some better shows in the future.

Good luck with whatever finals you've got going. Oh, and I just finished the blueberry/pom juice and it was fab. Thanks again for the super birthday treats!


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