
Señales y viajes (Ticks and Travels)

Sί, es la verdad que yo encontre señales en mi espalda. Tengo que escribir en ingles ahora porque no puedo encontrar las vocales con accentos en este teclado y no tengo mucho tiempo ()porque el internet cuesta dinero en las cafes)

transduccion: yes, it´s the truth that i found ticks on my back. i have to write in english now because i can´t find the vowels with accents on this keyboard y i don´t have much time b/c the internet costs money in the cafes--AND that´s all that´s available for the next few days. on monday, i will write more and put up some extensive photos from the travels in holland and germany!!

so, the tick story: i found them last sunday evening while i was eating dinner at the MAD hostel. they were already imbedded and it was truly disgusting. i went to the doctor on monday morning and had them removed and tested. the results are still to arrive which is incredibly slow, but this is spain and it´s hot, so everyone seems to work with more care (read SLOOOOOWLY)

because i spent the morning at the doctor, i didn´t go to the chinese embassy. when i got there on tuesday morning (after an hour of traveling there including a nice 30 minute sweaty walk), i found out that i should have done it the other way around because the embassy is only open on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. i´ll have to make a special trip back to madrid to get the visa and just hope that i have all the proper documentation (of course, a phone call on my new cell phone is in order). more on monday-- i have one minute left =)

love to all!!

p.s. thanks for the letter kate- the next one will be in spanish here!!


At 10:35 a. m., Blogger Butterball said...

dios mio. senales! que fuerte! buena suerte con los resultos del laboratorio.


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