

Last day of classes. To celebrate my new freedom, I liberated myself it another way. No, no nudity here. I cut my hair. This time (unlike Sweden), I had the forethought to bring along a photo of how I intended my hair to look after the cut. Didn´t really work out this time either, but, oddly enough, I kinda like the cut. We´ll see how it looks tomorrow when I use my own shampoo, etc. Would attempt to attach a picture here, but we all know the luck I´ve had with that. I´ll save that for Monday´s computer time. That and the picture of Salamanca.

What else? Emmm... this weekend is a slow one. Emily´s out of town and pretty much everyone else who is half-way worth spending time with has already left the country. The rest of you who are 100% worth spending time with are, unfortunately, not here in Salamanca....

Perhaps I will see a movie with this chic that I always forget her name and then feel stupid b/c it is Melissa. A name that shouldn´t be hard to remember considering I am often mistaken for a Melissa. Perhaps it is because she doesn´t feel like a Melissa. She needs some kind of really spectacular name like Sofia.

PERSONAL STORY ALERT (turn back now if you want, this is your only warning):

A few days ago, it became apparent that I would need to go to the doctor. First, I went to the hospital where I admitted that it wasn´t an emergency and that I didn´t really want to wait for two hours. The nice receptionist lady gave me the address of my insurance company. I went to the office the next day where I obtained a slip of paper that allowed me to have a consultation with a doctor w/o paying. I had the consultation, the doctor removed a specimen which I then had to take back to the insurance office. There, I obtained yet another slip, this time for the laboratory. I went to said laboratory and they couldn´t do the lab work in the requested time. Back to the insurance office for another slip to another lab. To the new lab (which just happened to be at the hospital where I started all of this jazz). Proceeded to the same receptionist (now three days later), gave her the same information. Got another slip of paper and directions to the lab w/in the hospital. At the lab, handed over the specimen and got another slip of paper. I have to pick up the results on Monday and go back to the doctor where she will "interpret" them. And that´s the end of my fun doctor-visit story.

On that note, I will sign off. I´ve got some actual work to do...