
Finally some pictures from Easter weekend. So, we hiked up what the Chinese here call a mountain. I think the epithet may be a bit generous, especially by Appalachia's standards...but, anyways. It was a pleasant hike to the top. Once we arrived, we found a nice little stone table where we squatted down and munched on some of Rachel's delish homemade hot-crossed buns (with New Zealand butter!). It was quite a treat. Benjamin found a black lady bug with red spots as pictured below. Ben's finger, my knee, and the bugaboo:

A shrine that was also at the top of the mountain:

The group checking out the location:

The way down was a bit more treacherous (including a couple incidents where I could see myself plummeting down...). But, much to our delight, everyone's shoe grips withstood the exertion and we made it down safely. At the end of the hike down, we stumbled upon the legitimate entrance to the park/mountain area (which we had bypassed so as not to pay any entrance fees, if they applied). In this area, stands this structure. Lopsided and certainly no cathedral, but noteworthy, if only because it is so utterly imperfect:

After the hike we headed "out west" to a yummy restaurant in a yurt. There was milk tea and mutton and dancers, even an area to lie down afterwards. For the first time in a long time, I felt at home.


At 6:01 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

At 6:03 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

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At 6:15 a. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Holy crap, I had a typo and had to delete the first post, then I got the name wrong. 3rd and final attempt:

So, I can see some pretty steamy hand-on-knee action between you and Mr. Benjamin up there. What's that all about?


p.s. Happy Birthday!


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