

So, somehow I got the browser default to be in Japanese. Somewhat disconcerting considering b/c 1. I can´t read anything and 2. that I still basically know my way around blogger.com (I guess I´ve become an addict?)
I suppose I won´t be so lucky in a unfamiliar place like China which is on the count down. I leave Salamanca by night, perhaps on the train, on the 30th of August. The following morning I will continue on by plane (a startling 27 hour flight with three connections), arriving in China the 1st of September around 6 pm local time. That´s if all goes well.

Meanwhile, there are horrible fires in Galicia and storms on the coast of China... attempted terrorist attacks in London. What timing? Hoping that all will return to some state of normality before I make the big trip.

Speaking of trips, my new buddy, Emily, returned to Washington (the state) on Saturday. I suppose I´ve been moping around the house, because my señora asked me more than once if I was bored and she is taking me out for a coffee tonight.* Not really sure how watching her fold the laundry and then make lunch and dinner for two days would constitue being bored... j/k

I know I promised some photos, but guess what? Tomorrow is a fiesta day here. That makes today and official "bridge day" (Spanish: hacer un puente) which means that everyone skips out of class and work in order to have a four day weekend. The Spaniards seem to have strategically placed all holidays on Tuesdays to allow such behavior. Why do you care and what does this have to do with photos? Well, the nice computer lab that loads photos with ease is shut due to the holidays. Sorry, you´ll just have to wait.... But, one more thing to look forward to--David has requested a photo of this mysterious Spanish "melón" which is quite possibly the best summer fruit ever. It is a melon, obviously, but it is the juciest one I´ve ever had. Quite similar to watermelon in that respect. It is very sweet, but refreshingly, not sickeningly so. It has an aroma as if it has been in contact with pineapples. The taste? Indescribable. Sorry. We´ve eaten it with "nata" (whipping cream, sweetened, but not whipped) and "cannela" (cinnnamon). Mmmm....

*That is, if none of her friends call and want to go out with her. This fact honestly makes me feel like a second-rate person and I would rather spend the night alone reading. However, I´m sure I would raise hell and have to eat fried potatoes for every meal if I voiced this sentiment.


At 10:48 p. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Interesting holiday strategy those Spaniards have. Maybe we should adopt it as well? We've got a Thursday holiday or two, but not any regular Tuesdays that I can think of. Maybe I'm overlooking something really obvious...

Anyhow, got your cool postcard the other day. Thanks a ba-jillion :-D.

Also in answer to your prior question on my blog, JP actually uploaded the video, but all he did was get an account on YouTube and follow the instructions. (www.youtube.com). Then I went to the page where it was and copied the bit of code to put it on my blog. It is a little easier just to copy the link and let people go there that way..

Anyhow, the countdown to China continues. That is super exciting. My fingers are rather hopelessly crossed for a visit to you there (unless we come into some kind of unexpected windfall, the budget isn't bearing it right now. stupid law school... :-)), but I will continue to creatively attempt to make it happen. Perhaps I can donate an egg. Ha ha.


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