
So, now that that's out of the way...

As of late Monday night/early Tuesday morning, I THOUGHT I was officially done with my Fulbright application (notice the"thought"). Yes, I was unfortunately saddened/shocked to find out that this pesky little thing called "language proficiency report" would NOT, in fact, be filled out after my group campus interview that is half in Spanish. Silly me for thinking/being told (but who's really making the distinction?) that was the case?

Anyways, my pre-interview/form-filling-out session/conversation will occur ON TOMORROW (yes, I know that sounds funny, but I rather like saying "on tomorrow"). In the afternoon (as my interviewer is not "un madrugador" (I think is how he put it?) which = (despite what babelfish translators think) morning person (or, in the case of my negation, NOT a morning person). Cool.

So, tonight friends will flock (all two of them) to our apartment for some relaxation as none (relaxation) has really been had since school started . . . . So I am looking forward to that.

On the German front, not much happening there-- big goal for the weekend: to do the "impossible" of getting caught up (teacher thinks it is impossible, but I beg to differ since I have been 1/2 studying since the beginning). Point of clarification: teacher did not specifically tell ME that it would be impossible for ME to catch up, rather said it as a general warning to the entire class that "catching up" is nearly impossible. Geez! Have faith, lady!! (just kidding, I'm really not upset by her comment b/c, in fact, I mostly agree with her-- it takes extra work to catch up and can only be done before a certain point in the semester, like, let's just say for grins, the sixth week (umm... like next week =). I'm quite sure that this run-onish thing has been confusing enough so, it ends. Thank you very much).

Bought a plane ticket (well, not really "bought" in the generally accepted definition of the word since my financial contribution was little more than the tax and fees . . . ) to Detroit for Fall Break where I will visit my lovely grandmother, aunts (and uncles), and a few cousins!! I am excited since it has only been like FOREVER since I have seen them and Fall Break is quickly approaching (Oct. 17-18). To make it even better, I will be there for the weekend-ish part and still have Friday and Monday afternoon (plus Tuesday, if needed) to do schoolwork. Nice balance, I know.

Note specifically to old ETSU gang: 1. Dear old Nemesis of mine has been generally recognized as an evil person who should go back to Africa where she was "loved" (though this comment was not made by me, per se, I shared in the sentiment). However, it must be said that not having any REAL classes with this person certainly makes it easier to be around her or, perhaps to not be around her =) 2. Certain recent graduates are dearly missed, especially upon Kroger trips where, OH MY GOSH!!, they rearranged "all" (several) shelves; imported some stuff from France, Britain, Italy, Mexico, and SWEDEN!!; and now have like a gazillion different types of olive oils and vinegars =) AND when I find myself just wanting to chat, but oops! it's the middle of the day and thus not particuarly conveinent to call people who say, live out of town or work, etc. Bummer. . . . Let it be known, though, that I make many mental calls.

Oh, and here is a food announcement: V8 Tomato juice really isn't as repulsive as I've said it was in the past. I actually kind of like it. Am I getting old? Pondering . . . no, I just have "advanced" tastes =)



"If [man] is not to stifle his human feelings, he must practise kindness towards animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
Immanuel Kant
I know that I keep on returning to this donkey theme. I supposed I am obsessed (minus all the negative connotations of the word, this obsession is just good 'ol fun). In my Computers, Writing, and Literature class we have been working on webpages. I, of course, have made one about DONKEYS. I have to find a way to put it up on the web, and when I will do I will post a link to it! For now, I've posted a cool picture and quote I found. Ooo . . . I just can't help myself. Don't you just want one?


here are some random allyssa facts:

*i was recently told that i needed glasses. since i am a questioning-oriented individual, i queried what my prescription happened to be. the one of superior ocular knowledge replied +0.75; i conveniently stored this information in my brain without making a snide remark. opting to NOT purchase the $200 plus special lenses + frames, i instead found these whimpy reading glasses online for $23.75 (shipping including). victory for my wallet and my eyes. yay.

*i am still enjoying my new, snazzier than anything, pair of pants. thanks for asking.

*fulbright application chugging along. the deadline will soon be here and i will be able to forget about it (at least until that crazy 50% spanish/50% english interview session). click here to read up on Chile.

*i recently received a salt and pepper mill direct from France for my 21st b-day. yay peugeot.

*in case you can't tell, i just learned how to do these nifty hyperlinks in my computer, writings, and literature class. yay hyperlinks!

that's all folks!


A New Year Begins

We are drawing to a close of *week 2* of the Fall Semester (approx. 1/7th of the way done). All is well though I woke up a mite more tired than I would have liked this morning. The sleep force is strong with me today.

Let's get all the schooly updates out of the way first:

-Fulbright Application due Sept. 26th. I am working on it a little less enthusiastically now that school has started and my time has seemed to disappear.
-Into full swing at Wesley, though after a meal of 1/2 portabella mushroom and some "interesting" salad I will once again be carrying my dinners up there.
-This semester is a test of will-- I am taking a rather strenuous load: Beginning German, Civilizations of Latin America, Civilizations of Spain, Introduction to Linguistics, American Gothic, Comp., Writing, and Lit., and good ole Colloquium.
-I have a 15 min. plus follow-up presentation in Civ. LA on Monday on Las Malvinas. wish me luck and good grammar.

Moving on:
-Going for a 5k "race" on Saturday with two other girls (we couldn't afford the real race held in Kingsport, so we mapped out our own!)
-Wesley big BBQ Auction is Saturday. I will be setting BBQ in front of generous/rich people all morning. fun, fun, fun . . . .
-Found an adult soccer league that is going to let me jump in on their games on Sunday afternoons. We'll see how that goes, but I am excited
-My tire exploded sometime yesterday between the hours of 9:20 a.m. and 7 p.m. (when I was in classes). Anyone who knows the cause be it man or nature and can recount the incident will be rewarded in waves of gratitude.
-Jewel bought a t.v. during the tree streets yardsale. So we can watch movies, which we intend to do at some point when we have time.

News from vacation:
-I had a great time in Michigan/Chicago with the Farmer Family. We put together 2 puzzles and I've decided that I rather like putting together puzzles with my sister who brings out the puzzle skills in me. We had lots of sisterly fun-- I won't ramble but it was just what I needed and wanted. Big news for her: She starts her 60 mi. 3-day in a few short weeks. Ahhh!!!
-I bought incrediblely awesome pants and Banana Republic. Perhaps invested in is more appropriate, but God, are they SWEET!!
-Got some fun new make-up . . . glittery-ish. And new mascara. It's shocking how different new mascara feels (I think mine was several years old which may explain that itching . . . =)

I suppose I should drink my *V8 juice tomato juice* (yes, I suppose I am a grown up now that I can enjoy such things I previously found revolting) and run along to Linguistics . . . if you are reading this *comment* on what's new with you.
