
China Update

I noticed something peculiar when scanning my itinerary on Orbitz this afternoon--I have two extra flights on my itinerary. I am guessing that these exist in case I don´t make my connection. The bad news: if I don´t make my connection, I will be staying overnight in the airport in Dalian (which has got to be a little piglet of an airport) from 4 pm on the 1st until 9 am the 2nd. That means my 27 hour flight will be extended 15 extra hours. The best part: the last leg of the flight is only 99 miles. Phew!! Think positive air-control thoughts for me, eh?

I also booked my hotel in Madrid for the night of the 30th. Yes, I decided to suck it up and front the money since who knows when I´ll get to sleep/take a shower... could be a couple of days later. OH, and I upgraded my room to include the European spread breakfast. AND, I am staying in a really nice hotel and it´s really cheap and has a shuttle to the airport for the next morning. It is NH Hotels. Cool, eh? I never knew spending money could be so much fun... and what a relief!!

Waiting for vital information like phone numbers and addresses from my boss-to-be in case the connections don´t work out...

I also bought a book to learn some Chinese. Valient effort, but it is nearly impossible. I think I´ll just have to put off this learning opportunity until I arrive and asses the situation. Right now, the language is a bit overwhelming.

Everything else here in Spain is good. The weather has finally broken and it is hella-cold and that makes me so happy I could cry. Right now it is like 12 degrees (Celsius) and raining. Ahh...perfect. Nice, cold air is filling my lungs as we speak. Could anything be better? I think not.


At 8:24 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

I have been catching up on your activities. And have to once again say, You amaze me. Hope that you have a wonderful time in China. Shall I send you a postcard from the great angry city of Orlando, FL?

At 11:38 p. m., Blogger kylavoie said...

Not long now, huh? Good luck! (and did you ever get my crazy attempt at a letter?)


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