

read this article forwarded to me by my grand roomie who, sadly, is not in jc anymore =(



A fun, but potentially offensive game

David and I started this game last night (inspired by our new fav. movie The Forty Year-Old Virgin")

here's a quote from IMDb:

David: You know how I know you're gay?
Cal: How?
David: You like Coldplay

Or, some of our own:
Allyssa: You know how I know you're gay?
David: How?
Allyssa: You have a humidifier in your room.
David: You know how I know you're gay?
Allyssa: How?
David: You don't like cream cheese on saltines.

The fun part-- how ridiculous it gets when you run out of funny things to say. Of course, none of it really has anything to do with being gay (at least in our version).

Anywho, now that I have revealed how completely base I am, I think I will go to linguistics class.


a first

currently proctoring study hall AND I HAVE NOTHING TO DO!! i didn't bring enough homework . . . all my thesis stuff is sitting on a "secret shelf" in the honors house. i already finished off a data problem for descriptive linguistics (it was a bugger--took two days!!) and re-read my spanish "anecdota" for like the fifth time.

this is not to say that i have completed all my work for the week. far from it. this is just s moment of unpreparedness. on my to do list for the weekend:
*write final chapter to thesis (and "think" about cohesiveness for the rest)
*afro-hispanic cinema short review/summary on Clando
*finish the rest of part ii of descriptive linguistics project (phonemic and phonetic transcription)
*prepare for oral and written presentation of spanish linguistics article

oh, and i've got to do this all on friday and saturday because SUNDAY, we are going to asheville to celebrate!

YEP, it's two years on Monday. damn if the time didn't pass me by . . .
feel free to join in on the festivities-- now until the end of February tickets to the Biltmore are $25 (a reduced rate from the normal $45). we're all over that. i've never been and i've heard it's quite a spectacle. i think it damn well better be at 25 bucks a pop! no way i would've ever paid full price. Ooo-- and there's a winery and a wine tasting! gonna get me some-a that!

happy night to all . . . i'm on my way to checking out asheville's restaurants!



So, I lost my wallet and completely freaked out. Fifteen minutes later I had both credit and debit card cancelled. Whew! Nothing charged on either one, thank goodness. Of course, I found my wallet about an hour later, but much better to be safe than to be sorry (remembering Washington, D.C. -- very painful, let's not talk aobut it). A potentially awful day turned around.

Tonight--in forty minutes, exactly, will be screening the documentary "Kilowatt Ours" in Brown Hall Auditorium. No one is here yet. Interesting fact-- I called up OIT and told them that I was showing a movie and they give me my own, personal copy of a key to Brown Hall Auditorium's media cabinet. Does anyone else think that is odd? hmm...

That's it for now. Running off to wait for peoples.


V-DAY!! (no, the heart one)

Happy Valentine's Day... aren't you glad I'm not sending you THIS card? Haha.

Okay, so I painted you this lovely-donkey picture instead.

I tried to give him some smoochy-lips, but it just looks like a nosebleed. I promise no animals were harmed in the making of this portrait.

He's got an evil eye, too.

Oh, well. You can remember today as the day I mutilated an animal.

Thanks and happy loving!



25 pages and counting...

single-spaced pages, that is. yep. the thesis is GROWING!! it has already exceeded the minimum requirement (40 double-spaced pages). i'm a little worried that the introduction is ridiculously long, but we are just at the rough draft stage, so there is plenty of time to murder sections and/or rearrange others. you're probably wondering why i'm not writing it this very instant. my answer: i've blinked like ten times in the last minute-- i think it is time for a break from the floating words in front of me =)

off to dinner with my sweetie-pie.



Today's mail brought the following notification:

_xx_ Your record has been checked for graduation for the current semester and has been approved with the following exceptions:

Academic Profile Exam to be taken--call the Testing Center to register

So that's exciting! A little scurry, but exciting nonetheless.

Other interesting news:
My request for a study room in the library has been granted. I now have access to a room just for me =) and I have a key and everything!!! I feel so, so official.

Now, I must proofread my Spanish narrative essay (oh, boy). I dare not take my current draft to class . . . .


Snow and other news

It started snowing Saturday night/Sunday morning (yes, I was awake until 3 am). David and I went to see CattleAxe at this new club in Greeneville called Starburst. The band was great, the club left much to be desired (at least according to the drunk lady who tried to engage me in a philosophical conversation about the lack of quality clubs in the area). In fact, I really enjoyed the show--the bass player was a hoot! (Aren't they all? yumm...)*

Still plugging away at the 'ol thesis. My first official draft is due the 15th of February, so there's the thing.

In Descriptive Linguistics class, we practiced transcribing the following clip. It's a hoot, so visit it and see for yourself!

Off to read Linguistica aplicada: Adquiscion del espanol como segunda lengua (yippee... not really)

*the yum refers to my bass player, of course