
Wrapping it Up

Ahh... at long last the FINAL week of my undergraduate career has arrived. I was thinking, as I sat in my last class on Thursday (Hispanic Writings and Composition), how wonderful this all feels. Then I thought, "what?" It is a bittersweet time. I'm getting (oh, heck, I HAVE been for quite some time) a little anxious about "the next step." Not really sure where it will lead me, what lies ahead, and all that jazz.

Newest news...

Got a rather exciting job offer on Wednesday. Maria Costa casually asked me if I wanted to go to China to teach English in the Fall. God, are you freakin' kidding me? That is not even a question worth asking--the answer should be soooo obvious. So, I sent off my resume to the people in China on Thursday. Hopefully, they will be gracious to my poor soul and give me a job. I had to refrained from being overly annoying and calling Maria on Friday afternoon to see if she had heard anything yet. I will probably call her on Monday. I just want to make sure that she has all the details down about when I can/can't come. Their semester (at Shandong University, Weihai) begins on September 3, which means 2 HUGE/CRAZY things:
1. I will have to get my Chinese Visa from the Chinese consulate in Madrid, Spain during my short vacation in July, AND
2. I will probably have to fly from Madrid to CHINA!!! (soooo glad I haven't purchased my return ticket yet... =)

trying not to get too excited, but gosh, it really is quite difficult to refrain. Oh, and did you know that I don't know a lick of Chinese. Yeah, so that should be interesting, right?

all this potentially good news comes with some rather upsetting news: no Chile for me. Yes, got that damned letter on Wednesday evening. The China thing must have been some God-like intervention b/c it was a little to coincidental for me writing it off casually.... Maria was quite shocked a little mad (?perhaps?). I know Joe was, well, PISSED. which was certainly a new and interesting experience for me to witness. Not pissed at me, just mad that this is how it turned out.

other news-- looking to do a conference in Savannah, GA in October on Pop Culture. Will probably look at some Latin American film. It will be a nice little project to keep me busy in May until it is time to leave for Ireland/The Netherlands/Germany/Spain.