

as my mother used to say, "home again, home again, jiggity-jig." jiggity-jig is right. i'm glad to be free of all mobile homes for a while (though my father DOES live in florida which means that i still have to LOOK at them). but, we three survived the 33 day journey...somehow.
we lived here*

inside the rv
the trip...what can i say? there were good moments, and okay moments, and then there were moments in which i seriously considered stabbing myself if only it would bring respite from living in such close quarters (but, really, how much of an improvement would a hospital bring). well, it is something i can chalk up to experience, remember (somewhat) fondly, and never consider doing again!
we started in florida and stopped at various places along the way. i visited iu's campus, escaped for a couple of days to chicago (then road the train to mi) where met up with the family at the beach. we all headed over to benton harbor ostensibly to show carrie where we grew up (though derek and i secretly wanted to race to the attic to see just how small those "midget" doors seem now!)

1335 miami rd. benton harbor, mi

(childhood home)

at some point, a rather nasty storm hit. the power blew right as we had begun to watch a movie. the neighbors (clearly inexperienced, if you were to ask my father) ran their loud generator (probably producing noxious fumes like carbon monoxide, but at least they had air-conditioning) and we found a leak in the slide-out--right above my head. there was also something about a cover missing for the roof. so we feared the refrigerator would fill with water. we "fixed" the problem with some duct tape and tupperware.

later on...

dad and i went out for a day-hike on the AT. but first, a nice drive on the skyline drive. and the car overheated and we thought we were in for it. but, after turning off the air-conditioner, all was well.

of course, there were more things. many more stories. feel free to email and i'll be glad to share any.

*actually, dad's rv is a bit bigger.

